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Easy and Accurate Ramp Calculator | Get Your Ramp Length in Seconds

To help you determine the correct ramp length for your needs, we have created a ramp length calculator. Simply enter the height of the rise (in inches) and the calculator will provide you with the minimum ramp length required to meet ADA requirements.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted in 1990 to protect the rights of people with disabilities in various aspects of daily life, including accessibility. One of the key requirements of the ADA is the provision of accessible routes, including ramps, for individuals who use mobility devices such as wheelchairs, walkers, and scooters. In this blog post, we will go over the ADA ramp requirements and provide a ramp length calculator to help you determine the correct ramp length for your needs.

Slope Requirements

The ADA requires that ramps have a maximum slope of 1:12, which means that for every inch of vertical rise, the ramp must be at least 12 inches long. The slope of a ramp is calculated by dividing the height of the ramp by the length of the ramp. For example, if the vertical rise is 24 inches, the ramp must be at least 24 x 12 = 288 inches, or 24 feet long. However, the ADA allows for steeper slopes of up to 1:8 for ramps that are no longer than 3 feet.

Width Requirements

The ADA requires that ramps be at least 36 inches wide between handrails. For ramps that serve as an exit, the minimum width requirement increases to 48 inches. In addition, the landing at the top and bottom of the ramp must be at least as wide as the ramp itself and at least 60 inches long.

Handrail Requirements

The ADA requires that ramps that rise more than 6 inches or have a horizontal projection of more than 72 inches have handrails on both sides. The handrails must be between 34 and 38 inches above the ramp surface and extend at least 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp.

Ramp Surface Requirements

The surface of a ramp must be slip-resistant and stable. The ADA recommends that the surface have a texture that is not too rough or too smooth, as both can pose a hazard. In addition, the surface must be free of gaps, protrusions, and changes in level greater than 1/4 inch.


Providing accessible routes, including ramps, is a critical aspect of making public spaces and buildings inclusive for individuals with mobility disabilities. Understanding the ADA ramp requirements and ensuring that your ramp meets those requirements is essential. We hope this blog post has provided you with a better understanding of the ADA ramp requirements and how to calculate the correct ramp length.

Elevate Your Mobility with Atlantis Roll up Ramps!

Experience unmatched convenience and accessibility with Atlantis Roll up Ramp! Designed with precision engineering and crafted from high-quality materials, our Roll up Ramp offers the perfect blend of portability, durability, and ease of use. Whether you’re navigating indoor spaces or venturing outdoors, our Roll up Ramp provides a seamless pathway to greater independence and mobility. Don’t let obstacles stand in your way – invest in Atlantis Roll up Ramp today and unlock a world of limitless possibilities!